One of the biggest threats to safety, when a truck is on the road, is the problem of distracted drivers. Any driver putting significant hours in will be distracted by numerous things during the drive, as well as potentially adding to their distraction with various forms of in-cab entertainment.
Some of these distractions are needed to help the driver keep focused, such as listening to music or perhaps audiobooks. But when those distractions become safety hazards, a fleet coordinator must step in and make changes. In our own view, from decades of offering Kenworth trucks for sale, these are some of the best ways to prevent distracted driving from causing harm.
Four Ways to Reduce Distracted Driving Accidents in Your Fleet
1. Better hiring and interviewing practices
For better driver performance, hire better drivers. With many transportation companies and trucking schools pushing recruitment as hard as they can, it’s easy to end up with drivers who underestimate how challenging day-long drives can be. This should be a central point in hiring, screening, and interviewing. Look for candidates who understand the tedium of long hauls and pick the ones with the best solutions for alleviating it.
2. Anti-Crash systems
Many of our Kenworth trucks for sale, as well as those from other manufacturers, now have smart monitoring systems that can reduce the risk from distracted drivers. They can detect when a truck is veering out of its lane, or automatically brake if a vehicle ahead is braking. While not a substitute for alert human driving, it’s a solid “failsafe” system that can save lives.
3. Offer safe driving bonuses
Many drivers are scrambling to make every dollar they can while on the road – make use of that! GPS monitoring systems can offer detailed overviews of each driver’s on-road performance. Make safety a priority and offer bonuses for drivers who consistently drive in safe ways.
4. Police long-haul drivers’ cabs
Keep an eye on what your drivers have in their cabs, and what is accessible while they’re driving. They might have a video game console, for example, but it should be in the rear where it’s out of sight while on the road. Remove or relocate anything that could provide an on-road distraction.
Great Kenworth Trucks for Sale at Coopersburg & Liberty Kenworth
Whether you want new or used, we have it. Visit either of our two locations today!